Workers' Compensation Management Bureau

A Resource for State of Montana Employees

About Us

The Workers’ Compensation Management Bureau (WCMB) works closely with state agencies and Montana State Fund to help prevent injuries at work, assist in the management of the claims and the return to work process. Both work-related injuries (these happen at a specific point in time) and occupational diseases (these develop over time) can have long-term impacts on agency costs and employee’s quality of life. Injuries, not addressed quickly, may lead to long term disability. Being out of work can cause significant financial hardship. Preventing injuries is always the best practice for both the employee and employer. 

The diversity of work performed by state agencies requires a proactive approach to addressing risk and potential for employee injury. We are currently working with agencies to conduct risk assessments, to implement safety committees, accident investigation processes, and defining workers' compensation and early return to work programs. 



The WCMB was established in 2007 to address significant rising cost increases in Montana workers’ compensation premiums. Annually, Montana ranks low in the nation for employee injuries occurring at work. As a result, we encounter a significant number of on the job injuries leading to higher costs for employers, including State Government. The bureau is tasked with helping all state agencies manage their workers' compensation insurance and manage their Safety & Return to Work Programs. We serve as the central resource for agencies in managing workers' compensation insurance. We work to enhance existing safety, loss-prevention, risk management and return to work activities as well as creating access to these activities for agencies which do not currently have them in place. Since the inception of the WCMB, we have saved Montana State Government millions of dollars in insurance premiums. 


How WCMB Helps Agencies

The Workers’ Compensation Management Bureau (WCMB) works in partnership with our insurance provider Montana State Fund (MSF) to ensure quality and value of service to our state agencies. We work with them on current and future risks which may impact premiums, service levels, and costs associated with workers compensation.

WCMB's work with state agencies and MSF has decreased workers’ compensation premiums annually. We achieved this through education, support, and advice to state agencies on workers’ compensation cost reduction strategies, claims management, claims analysis, safety, and occupational risk management. 

The Return to Work program has reduced wage loss claims by providing education and assistance to staff, as well as analysis of claims trends. Wage loss claim have decreased throughout state agencies since 2007.  

Injuries to state employees have annually decreased since the inception of the WCMB. The management of risk includes education, support and guidance for managers and employees on risk assessment and mitigation of hazards that can lead to employee injury.



Learn about the difference between WCMB, Montana State Fund Safety (MSF) Management Consultants, MSF Claim Examiners, and MSF Underwriters by reviewing this document

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